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Lamb Ewes eNews

With no seat to spare, Lamb Travel Adventurers took off between June 27th and July 1st to All American destinations in Annapolis, MD, and Harrisburg and Lancaster, PA. In Annapolis, a cruise down the Severn River and Tour of one of the oldest seacoast towns in America with meals along the way made for an exhausting day. A smooth air-conditioned ride on a Hagey Luxury Motor Coach with favorite movies selected by Lamb residents made for a sleepy ride home.

Midweek was a tour of the Civil War Museum in Harrisburg, PA and a Paddleboat Lunch Cruise on the Pride of the Susquehanna. The weather and attitudes of our Lamb Adventurers could not have been better. The warm, sun-filled week concluded with shopping, dining and participation on the farm with a real Amish Family at the Country Kettle Village in Lancaster, PA. Our Amish host family was gracious and answered numerous questions about their life asked by Lamb residents, who had another awesome time of learning and fellowship experiencing a different cross section of rural America. Keep an eye out for pictures to be posted on our website at www.LambPa.com

July´s Drama Rama week featured Medieval Themes in Lindhurst, NJ, the Blue Man Group in New York City, then back to Jersey for the Hunterdon Playhouse for a dinner theatre production of "Music of the Twentieth Century." Drama Rama week was a complete sellout with a pending waiting list!

Each trip featured during our Lamb Travel Adventure Getaways in summer, 2011 can accommodate 54 people. Paid reservations are extremely important to insure a seat on the Hagey luxury motor coaches. August and September weeks have only a few reservations left. Please contact Dale, our Business Manager, for trip availability by email at dale@lambpa.com or call 215-699-5600. For a printable brochure visit www.LambFun.com

Like all true poets, Jim Morris Lee finds connections between the minutia of life and the Cosmos. Jim presents precise and delightful observations of people and things with both calm assurance and yet with an understated sense of deeper meaning. Many of his poems reflect on Loss, both personal loss and loss suffered by others, but most of the poems in this collection are rich in love and life found in the spaces that loss has left behind.
Jim Morris Lee suffered a severe stroke which left him partially blind in one eye and with other health complications which he has committed to privacy and a patient course of recovery. Jim can be reached at jimmorrislee1@comcast.net. His soon-to-be-published book Stealing Fire - And Other Poems, can be purchased, and with self-deprecating humor he may autograph a copy for you! Book purchase information will be posted in a future Ewes eNews edition. Another Lamb Foundation resident, artist Daniel Collins, has painted the Cover Illustration for this book.

Lamb Foundation set a goal for 2011 to find more doctors with different specialties who are willing to come to Lamb Foundation for house calls. On site house calls by doctors will realize considerable savings of time and transportation costs for Lamb Foundation´s 260 residents, many of whom have weekly doctor appointments. We are pleased to announce that Detweiler Family Medicine and Associates of Lansdale, PA will be sending members of their health care staff to Lamb Foundation on a weekly basis for routine residential health maintenance oversight and professional review of special needs health circumstances. This common sense approach to residential health care is efficient, cost effective and consumer friendly. We look forward to residents building strong relationships with their house call doctors, thereby resulting in healthier choices by the residents and continuity of health care for Lamb Foundation.


•   Two (2) of Three (3) apartments have been completed and fully occupied with the remaining ground floor apartment more than half-way finished.
•   The exterior of the building has been newly painted.
•   The 100 foot long new front porch has been completed.
•   Extensive landscaping has been planted, including a 30´x30´ vegetable and cut flower garden.
•   Target goal for completing the entire construction and occupancy of the project is September 1.
•   The ground floor apartment will welcome four additional residents with mobility disabilities.
•   Social recreation program plans are currently being designed for the "largest family room in town".
•   An Open House is being planned for shortly after we receive our Use and Occupancy permits.
•   We are now accepting applications for residency on the ground floor.

Lamb Foundation
Coming in the next edition of Ewes eNews
   Eye on Ewe - Business Manager Dale Pringle.
   CPR and First Aid Certification courses open to all
         staff and residents. .
   Upcoming Home Maintenance painting, renovation
         and other projects.
   Fun in the Sun - Summertime, 2011. Lamb Travel
        Adventures and Getaway Photo Album.
   Weight loss program starting in October - $1.00/lb.
The Lamb Foundation
114 North Main St.
North Wales, PA 19454
Phone: 215-699-5600
Mission: The Lamb Foundation provides affordable housing and support services to senior citizens and adult individuals with mental, physical, and developmental disabilities who would otherwise be homeless.
We welcome donations of all kinds, from clothing and accessories to housewares, pottery, books, toys, and more. Find out how to donate to The Lamb Foundation.
As a 501(c)(3) organization, all donations are tax deductible, including monetary donations. Please call us to discuss your donation, or pledge a donation online using PayPal.

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Lamb Ewes eNews